CRASC Booklets

It is a collection of scientific texts resulting from the scientific activity of the research that aims at making the research activity, taking place in the CRASC, visible.

This publication, under a Research Division, can be:

  • A final report of a research project,

  • A report reflecting an area of great interest (regrouping a set of projects having the same interests).

  • A report of an ongoing research project.


 Publication Editorial Charter

Charte éditoriale des publications

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C.R.A.S.C. B.P. 1955 El-M'Naouer Technopôle de l'USTO Bir El Djir 31000 Oran
+ 213 41 62 06 95
+ 213 41 62 07 03
+ 213 41 62 07 05
+ 213 41 62 07 11
+ 213 41 62 06 98
+ 213 41 62 07 04